Author(s) Responsibilities
Author(s) should ensure that
The manuscript submitted to the journal is original work not published anywhere else or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Conflict(s) of interest, if any, is/are declared during submission.
The manuscript does not violate any copyrights.
All the third party permission(s) required, if any, are duly sought.
Research funding source(s), if any, is/ are acknowledged.
All the authors who have contributed to the work are included in the authors’ list and their affiliations are mentioned correctly.
The manuscript is prepared as per the gudelines.
The manuscript is free from typographical and grammatical errors.
The manuscript gives due credit to the works referred to during the preparation in the form of citations.
The manuscript has provided citation for all data, images, program code, and other methods used.
Maintain the confidentiality of the communication.
Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should be prepared with Times New Roman 12 point font and should not exceed 6000 words (2000 words for book review and communications) including tables, figures. Please use 1.5 lines spacing throughout the manuscript except title page. The first paragraph of any section should not be indented. The manuscript must be submitted in MS-word through online submission process.
Author(s) is/are required to follow following guidelines while preparing the manuscript.
Article Title
Article title should concisely describe the article.
Structured Abstract:
Abstract should have purpose, study design/methodology/approch, findings, originality/value, research limitations/implications, practical implications (if any) and social immplications (if any). It should be of maximum 250 words.
Each manuscript should include up to 8 keywords separated by semi-colon. The keywords should be short and should capture the topics presented in the manuscript.
Section Headings
All the section headings should be descriptive of the contents of the section and must be kept as brief as possible. The section heading should be numbered 1, 2, 3,....... including introduction section. The sub heading of all the subsections should be numbered as 1.1, 1,2,..........4.1, 4.2...........
The heading and sub heading should be distinguishable from main text and may be boldfaced and should be in 14 and 13 pt respectively.
All the figures must be of high quality resolution and should be in the standard format such as TIFF. Figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript. All the figures must have figure caption given below the figure and must be cited in the main text. Authors should provide the source of the figure if adopted from other sources.
Tables should be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript. All the tables must have table title given above the table and must be cited in the main text. Authors should provide the source of the table if adopted from other sources.
All equations should be centered. If an equation is referred elsewhere in the text, add equation numbers sequentially throughout the manuscript.
In Text Citation and End Reference List
In text citations:
Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to the work of another, you are required to cite its source. Please provide the surname of the author, followed by the year of publication, and the page number if appropriate. When it is cited at the end of sentence or paragraph put the entire citation in parentheses. Citations in the flow of writing should mention author’s name(s) and year in parentheses.
e.g. a. (Nallathiga, 2015) outlined that….; B, In a recent report (Nallathiga, 2015, p. 554) it has been shown…; If the author's surname is part of the sentence, you only need to put the date in brackets, e.g. Nallathiga (2015) says that…..
If there are two authors for a citation, cite them as follows:
In a recent report (Patyal & Maddulety, 2015) it has been shown…
For references with three or more authors you just need to give the first author and the other authors can be indicated by et al., e.g. (Ryan et al., 2007) outlined that…
For multiple references with the same author sequence and year, append a, b, c, etc. to the year in both the reference list near the end of the paper and in the citations in the text.
If you are citing more than one author, mentioned them in chronological order.
For citations that have no date available just note this in the in-text citation, e.g. Global warming report (Smith & Jones, no date, p. 22) stated … For citations with no author or date just use the title, e.g. The first report (Global warming trends, no date) stated … To cite a website in your text, cite by author if this is possible. If no author is available cite by Title, if there is no title cite the URL, e.g. The world wide Global Warming survey (, 2010) showed that…
Creating A Bibliography
Author's last name, First and Second Initial. & second Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year) Title. Place of publication, Publishing company.
Example: Chandra, P. (2011). Financial management. New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Book with an Editor
Editor's last name, First and Second Initial. (Ed.). (Year) Title. Publishing company. Example: O'Riordan, T. (Ed.). (2001). Globalism, localism, and identity: fresh perspectives on the transition to sustainability. Earthscan.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Author's last name, First & Second Initial. (Year). Chapter title. In: Editor's(s) name
and initials. ed(s). Book title (page no). Publishing company, Place of publication.
Journal Article
Author's last name, First & Second Initial. (Year) Article title. Journal title, Volume number (Issue no), page numbers.
Jadhav, T. S., & Lele, M. M. (2016). Analysis of annual energy savings in air conditioning using different heat pipe heat exchanger configurations integrated with and without evaporative cooling. Energy, 109, 876-885.
Patyal, V. S., & Maddulety, K. (2015). Interrelationship between total quality management and six sigma: A review. Global Business Review, 16(6), 1025-1060.